Loose Change Forum No Like Me
Well, if you want to challenge the wackos over at the Loose Change Forum, be careful not to call them names. They, however, can call BushCo all the names they WANT to, slander the NYFD, slander the government, and do whatever they feel like in the name of HATE.
I ask one little question and my posting capability got banned. THAT'S a good way to stimulate discussion - stifle debate !! Why did I not think of that before?
PS. They re-instated me because I complained of being censored. Good for them. I'm back over there posting rebuttals again. Thanks Sanders.
Well, if you want to challenge the wackos over at the Loose Change Forum, be careful not to call them names. They, however, can call BushCo all the names they WANT to, slander the NYFD, slander the government, and do whatever they feel like in the name of HATE.
I ask one little question and my posting capability got banned. THAT'S a good way to stimulate discussion - stifle debate !! Why did I not think of that before?
PS. They re-instated me because I complained of being censored. Good for them. I'm back over there posting rebuttals again. Thanks Sanders.
i hope they reinstate me too. truth is stifled when questions cannot be asked.
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM
I haven't read the post but, people do have a hard time with real debate in this type of forum. But, then again what is there to debate? Norad stood down, buildings collased despite having suffered little damage anyone should be able to draw the obvious conclusions. I hate to generalize but i seem forced into it here... What you people here, don't seem to understand is that it's not just that Bush did this, it's not just that Cheney did this, Because what this whole thing brings up isn't isolated to just this day. To understand the problems(which i take for granted as your objective here) you have to understand the history of the United States foreign policy. You have to to see what we've done to Africa and South America. Take some time out of your life and look at all these little governments that we've overthrown through proxy wars and funding gurilla movements. It's a sad history to acknowledge but even more sadly it's on the offical record. This isn't something new and orignal, it's the same thing they've been doing to us all along, we're just the next generation, granted we have more power to fight back than we've ever had in the past, with the internet and our wealth here in the us. I saw a speech a year or go that really opened my eyes to the WHOLE world, and the WHOLE problem not just these little isolated events. It was the most powerful speech I've seen in my lifetime, the speaker was Harold Pinter, before the speech I'd never even heard his name. He's a famous play writer in england, and he won the nobel peace prize, and it was his acceptance speech. He spoke first of plays, and then of reality. He is strong and bold, and a real man of principle you can tell, He's a man that experienced America's Foreign Policy fully in South America mayhap you should go and find what he had to say... and think about why you do what you do...
Anonymous, at 4:59 PM
"To understand the problems(which i take for granted as your objective here) you have to understand the history of the United States foreign policy. You have to to see what we've done to Africa and South America."
Actually, before even looking at any of that, you must understand basic physics, as well as engineering and demolitions principles. You can make any claims about the US in regards to foreign policy, and guess what, you might be right about some of them, but you miss the main point if you and others who continue to propogate conspiracy fantasies keep on insisting on physical impossibilities and outlandish explanations for the explanations of the buildings collapse. Middle East policy does not explain the lack of residue of demolitions (and BTW, BYU Prof. Jones did not find proof of thermite, he found sulfur and a specific enantiomer of diphenylpropane and concluded they were there because of thermite. Big difference). South American US policy does not explain why the buildings collapsed from the top down when intentionally demolished buildings start their collapse from the bottom. Asian US policy does not explain how thousands of pounds of demolitions could have been installed in the Twin Towers and WTC7 without anyone noticing, and in the case of WTC7, in an incredibly short amount of time. European policy does not explan the contradiction in saying "the fires were hot because of thermite" and the fact that those same fires were burning 3 months later (thermite burns itself out within seconds). UN policy does not explain exactly how thermite would've cut horizontally or at an angle through the steel beams.
Hyperventiating about what the US did or did not do does not and cannot explain the holes in the conspiracy fantasies. You miss the point if you think that all fantasy debunkers are right wing Bible banging Republicans. Many are liberals, some aren't even American, and they all realize there's a difference between attempting to explain something the WTC collapse through physics and trying to explain it through foreign policy. Many debunkers would agree with you on your opinion of the US vis-a-vis foreign policy, but they still would never buy into impossible fantasies and insane interpretations just because they dislike the US government. They realize there are genuine, legitimate, issues to criticize and disagree over without having to resort to impossible explanations and random acts of deus ex machina as explaintions of "how it was actually done".
In other words, talk all you want about what the US has done abroad, but not one bit of it covers the gaping holes in conspiracy fantasies, nor does it describe exactly how these alternate explanations could have taken place. Continuing to justify conspiracy fantasies regarding the WTC collapse and 9/11 in general with arguments based on US foreign policy is to confuse coincidental factors as causal ones. And that's assuming those charges are true to begin with; what you vaguely point out with glib references to "what we've done to Africa and South America" are arguable points. When foreign policy is used to excuse or distract from the facts that the fantasies created are physical impossibilities, and in many cases contradictory to boot, then the person doing the argument isn't interesting in discovering the "truth" of the WTC collapse or the 9/11 events in general. That person is simply looking to inflict some rhetorical points on the US Government. And that is the biggest abuse of logic as well as a perversion of the laudable desire for truth.
The truth is in front of you. It's not to be found with conspiracy fantasies. You don't need to use foreign policy to analyze the physics of the WTC collapse, or the impossibility of "controlled demolition", nor do you need to come up with ridiculous, nature-defying theories to explain why the hijackers did what they did.
Elmondohummus, at 12:51 PM
On this subject, what can you have to say?
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Anonymous, at 6:03 AM
I am new here, just saying hello :)
<3 sagepowder
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM
Anonymous, at 3:29 PM
Any snowboarders or skiiers on this forum? I am planning a trip to BC on a snowboarding trip next week =) =)
<3 sagepowder
Anonymous, at 3:29 PM
Anonymous, at 8:07 PM
Anyone hear anything about that avalanche in Colorado?
<3 sagepowder
Anonymous, at 8:07 PM
Anonymous, at 2:06 AM
Anonymous, at 9:37 PM
Anonymous, at 2:15 AM
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Anonymous, at 2:15 AM
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